Canine Cruciate Recovery Accelerator Course-Weeks 3-16
Weeks 3- 16 of the 16 Week Guide to Help Your Dog to Recover from Cruciate Ligament Injury or Surgery
This is the continuation of the step by step guide taking you through what to do at home for your dog after Cruciate Surgery or Injury from weeks 3-16 in their recovery. Including progression of exercises to follow week by week, instructions for leash walking and tips for progression back to normal life. The overall aim is for accelerating the recovery process, maxmising strength, injury prevention and guiding you both to get back to doing what you love together
Michelle Monk
Read this first before continuing the program!
The 7 Mistakes Pet Owners Make When Their Dog Has Cruciate Ligament Injury or Surgery
The 7 Steps to Optimise Recovery for Your Dog After Cruciate Ligament Injury or Surgery
Program Aims and Exercise Diary
Home Exercise Downloadable Diary
Tasks for Third week after surgery, or third week of conservative management
Tasks for the Fourth week after surgery or fourth week of conservative management.
Tasks for the Fifth week after surgery or fifth week of conservative management.
Tasks for the Sixth week after surgery or sixth week of conservative management.
Tasks for the Seventh week after surgery or seventh week of conservative management
Tasks for the eight week after surgery or eigth week of conservative management
Tasks for the Ninth week after surgery or ninth week of conservative management
Tasks for Tenth week after surgery or the tenth week of conservative management.
Tasks for the Eleventh week after surgery or eleventh week of conservative management.
Tasks for the Twelfth week after surgery or twelfth week of conservative management.
Tasks for the Thirteenth week after surgery or thirteenth week of conservative management.
Tasks for the Fourteenth week after surgery or fourteenth week of conservative management.
Tasks for the Fifteenth week after surgery or fifteenth week of conservative management.
Tasks for the Sixteenth week after surgery or sixteenth week of conservative management
Your Next Steps